mércores, 10 de febreiro de 2021

10/02/21- a short film I'd recommend

I actually have 3 short films that I highly recommend, all of which can be found on Youtube. 1) Rúbaí This is probably my favourite/easiest to understand short film for a few reasons. The film is in Gaelige(Irish), which is a language I grew up learning and speaking, but has English subtitles. It's about a young girl, Rúbaí, who is with her class preparing for her Holy Communion. However, she states that she is actually an Atheist and refuses to participate. I'd recommend this film to many because it shows how younger people are breaking from religions forced upon them by family/society and are choosing their own paths. I wish that my younger self was as confident to speak my mind as Rúbaí is, and I wish more children had her way of thinking- obviously not as strongly though because at the end of the day there is only so much freedom a child can receive. 2)GUEST The only way I can describe this short film is beautiful. It's brilliant and beautiful in such a disturbing way. There isn't much of an explanation to this film, leaving pretty much everything up to the audience's imagination. The way the camera moves, the control of the senses, it's just amazing. there isn't much to say without spoiling it. Personally, the way I interpret this is mental disorders such as Schitzophrenia, as Mary displays many symptoms of it and the Guest is one of her hallucinations. you can try all you want, but you can't escape the monsters of your own mind. 3)Within Her Eyes I could go on about this for ages. I know practically everything about this short film, not only cause i studied it at gcse but because of how utterly beautiful this piece of art is. How powerful the message it sends out is, despite not having any dialogue. Everything in this is amazing: the features of production, the environments, the films intention and the content itself. The film itself is actually a choreography by James Cousins Company, but it has all the qualities of a film. My favourite thing about this film is the female's lack of contact with the floor.

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